Most people see gang activity to be masculine and consist of all males, as their female counterparts were seen to just be sex objects not participating in gang activities. Some females were used by the male gang members to carry their guns and drugs for them. Most of these gender role norms have changed and now society is starting to see female gangs grow throughout the years. It’s not just male/female gangs, some gangs only consist of all females.
A while ago, females would join gangs for friendships, security and self affirmation, but as the girls started to involve in gang activity, all stereotypes changed. Young girls were more involved in criminal activity mainly consisting of assault and battery. Girls proved themselves to be committed to their friendships within the gang population and started to gain more respect from their male counterparts who then noticed and accepted them as a member of their gang.
A lot of female gang members come from broken homes that turn to the gang life in order to form family like relationships within these gang, which can offer a sense of belonging, protection, nurturing, and male figures which they may be lacking in their immediate families.
“Many street gangs require the person, wanting to depart from the gangs way of life, to endure a "beat out." This beating frequently is more severe and more injurious to the member than the beating he/she may have taken to join.”
Leaving a gang is like leaving your family, other members do not take the decision lightly. The other gang members may feel as if they are being betrayed or disrespected because the member does not want to lead that lifestyle any longer. Sometimes women have no choice and need to do it when they become pregnant, developing a sense of maturity to understand they need to be there for their child.
Great Blog, this is definitely a great issue. How do female and male gangs differ such as their culture or crime?
well to answer your question, I believe I made a few statements above in my blog on how the female and male gang members differ in there criminal activities. Females origionally joined gangs for different reason such as security, and gained their respect by fighting other females in other gang, as well as holding the male gang members drugs, and other such minor offenses similiar.
A thought that rose from reading your blog was female gangs and their kids, or when they become pregnant. We know for males, they have the ability to easily separate themselves from their children, but I would believe that females’ attachment to their kids would make it difficult to separate from their child. So, how would children affect the female gang life, or vice versa the gang life impact on the child life.
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